Japanese Timetable - Mako Byram

Email: makobyram@gmail.com
Tel: 07963 465344

Why not join one of the following courses and learn Japanese in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere? My courses are held at venues in and around Huddersfield and online. Courses are also now online. Please arrange one-to-one lessons by email.
Courses will be taught in a 10 week block at a cost of £120.

Terms will follow the school academic year unless otherwise stated.

Course Title: Beginners
Venue: Online

Suitable for those who want to learn Japanese. No previous knowledge required.

Time: 7 - 8.30 p.m.

Duration – 10 Weeks and will continue to more if students wish to do so.

Course Title: Elementary 1
Venue: Online

Suitable for those with minimal Japanese communication skills.

Time: 7 - 8.30 p.m.

Duration – 10 Weeks and will continue to 10 more if students wish to do so.

Course Title: Intermediate
Venue: Online

Suitable for students who have attained a threshold level and have acquired fair comprehension skills.

Time: 7 - 8.30 p.m.

Duration – 10 Weeks and will continue to 10 more if students wish to do so.

Course Title: Elementary 2
Venue: Online

Ideal for students who have acquired basic Japanese communication skills.

Time: 7 - 8.30 p.m.

Duration – 10 Weeks and will continue to 10 more if students wish to do so.
