French & German Timetable - Gillian Hall

Tel: 07906 658603

Why not come and learn French and/or German with me online? Contact me via email on for further information. Please email me to discuss your level and suitable course.

- French beginners and improvers courses on Monday evenings from 10th March 2025
- German beginners and improvers courses on Thursday evenings from 6th March 2025
- French and German bespoke business courses, either one-to-one or small groups at your offices or private tuition
- ESOL (English to speakers of other languages) also available. Contact me to discuss your queries.

All 8/10 week courses cost just £104/130 each for a min of 3 students.

Course Title: German - Improvers
Venue: Online - small group

Some German knowledge required. We will be using the past tense, exploring shopping, travel etc , German cases and the emphasis is on speaking the language.

Time: 8.00 - 9.10pm

A 10 week course 6 Mar – 15 May 2025

Course Title: German - Beginners
Venue: Online in small groups

No knowledge required. Course includes revision of personal details, numbers, alphabet, asking and answering questions etc, places of interest and cafe scenarios and German culture. We will use a course book, audio and lots of roleplay. The emphasis is on speaking the language.

Time: 6.40 - 7.40 p.m.

A 10 week course 6 Mar – 15 May 2025

Course Title: French - Beginners
Venue: Online in small groups

No previous knowledge required. Course includes interesting topics and grammar such as personal information, numbers, times, present tense and asking and answering questions, using a coursebook, audio and roleplay. Lots of discussions take place in pairs.

Time: 6.40pm - 7.40pm

An 8 week course 10 Mar – 12 May 2025

Course Title: French - Improvers
Venue: Online in small groups

Previous knowledge required. We will cover topics such as hotels and describing your home etc and learn about the culture of France, using a coursebook with audio too and lots of roleplay.

Time: 8 - 9.10pm

An 8 week course 10 Mar – 12 May 2025

Course Title: